Trouble the Water

Katrina survivor Rivers steps her rap game up

By Talia Whyte

The Bay State Banner

Nearly four years after Hurricane Katrina destroyed the Gulf Coast, many who survived are still looking for ways to recuperate and move on with their lives. For Katrina survivor Kimberly Rivers, “moving on” meant revamping her music career.

Rivers is best known for her starring role in the film “Trouble the Water,” which followed her family in the immediate aftermath of the storm and recently received an Academy Award nomination in the “Best Documentary Feature” category. She is still in New Orleans today, rebuilding her life and jumpstarting her rap career.

Read the full article here.

Eye on the Storm: A First-Person Perspective on Katrina

By Talia Whyte

The Bay State Banner

Many books and films have been made in the last three years about the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina, the worst natural disaster in U.S. history. But the new film, “Trouble the Water,” opening for Greater Boston audiences on Friday, is the first documentary shot in part by Katrina survivors before, during and after the storm — giving new meaning to citizen journalism.

Read the full article here.