Nonfiction November: Maid

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Nonfiction bloggers and Booktubers are encouraging readers this month to challenge themselves to read at least one nonfiction book.

If you follow this blog, you already know this is not a hard task for me to do.  However, if you find it hard to find nonfiction books you would enjoy, I would highly recommend first checking anything you have watched on Netflix or Hulu lately.

There are a lot of popular movie adaptations of books, including Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother’s Will To Survive by Stephanie Land.  This memoir is about the author’s experience of being a single mother struggling against domestic abuse and poverty.  I was really struck by the book because most people including the judicial system only think of physical violence when discussing domestic abuse and not necessarily the mental and emotional violence involved.  I also appreciated the focus on what it is like to be working poor in America. I highly recommend it and watch the Netflix program.

You can look through my most recent blog posts to see other book recommendations.  Here are some other recommended nonfiction reads of the top of my head:
Island People: The Caribbean and the World by Josh Jelly-Schapiro
Caste by Isabel Wilkerson
Color of Water by James McBride
Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendel
How The Word Is Passed by Clint Smith
Tweeting Truth To Power by Cyrus McQueen