Personal Website: Start One Today!

The Web Design ProcessWith the coronavirus outbreak consuming the world, many people in self-quarantine are not only looking at ways to stay busy in the immediate future but also what their futures will look like in the long term. 

With all the free time you have right now, you might be thinking about your financial future.  Maybe you want to start a business, switch careers, improve your branding or just start a simple blog to promote your passion project.

One of the most frequently asked questions from our clients is whether or not they should have a personal website.  Many of them are job seekers looking to better brand themselves to potential employers.  Personal websites can only enhance your chances of finding your dream job.  In today’s competitive market, anyone in any field that is not self-employed also needs a website to get the next job.  

Let’s break down the reasons:

  1. You can control your brand – The first thing most recruiters do today is Google the names of prospective job applicants.  As many of you know, both good and bad things about you can show up in a Google search.  Having your own website can control your brand and help protect your reputation online.  Presenting information on your own website shows you in the way you want others to view you online.  Also, having your name as the website’s URL ( also establishes your brand and will guarantee that your site will show up on the top of the first page in search engine results.
  2. Sell yourself – The whole point of your personal website is to sell yourself.  Why should someone hire you?  Your online portfolio should be a grand showroom of your best work for recruiters who want additional information about you that goes beyond a traditional CV or resume.  You can show off what makes your skills and personality unique and marketable. Also, anyone in the world can see your website, and you never know where your next job will come from.  Many people have received really awesome job opportunities from other people who happened to stumble upon your website!
  3. Show your investment – Having your own website shows others that you invest in yourself and career by branding yourself online.  Employers will take you more seriously.
  4. You are accessible – Having a website makes it easier to find and contact you about work.  Your website should have a clean, simple navigation design, where it is easy to find your biography, contact information, and samples of your work.  Stick to the three-click rule, make sure your site supports web diversity and avoid busy-looking websites like the plague.
  5. Links to social media and networking tools – Your website can also be the one-stop to all of your social media accounts, which makes it easier for recruiters to find you online in other places.  You can also put links to other online spaces where recruiters can find your work.  A word on social media: many people ask why they should have a website when they already have a Linkedin or Facebook page.  The reasons are already stated above.  Everyone’s social media accounts look the same.  Having your own website distinguishes yourself from others and showcasing your unique skills and personality.  Furthermore, there are always new social media tools coming onto and going away from the market.  Websites are more future-proof that can grow with your career.

If you need help with starting your website, contact us at, and take advantage of our 15th-anniversary sale which ends on 31 March 2020.