
Rozzie Bound Is Now Open!

Rozzie Bound is located at 739 South Street in Roslindale. Our current hours of operation are Wednesdays through Saturdays, 11 AM – 6 PM.

Buy books, merchandise, Consumer-Owner shares, and Rozzie Bound gift certificates. You can also redeem any Rozzie Bound gift certificates you may have received over the holidays

Upcoming Events
Author Visit: E.B. Bartels
Thursday, January 19, 6-7:30 PM, Roslindale Branch, 4246 Washington St

Local author E.B. Bartels discusses her recent book, Good Grief: On Loving Pets, Here and Hereafter, an unexpected, poignant, and personal account of loving and losing pets, exploring the singular bonds we have with our companion animals, and how to grieve them once they’ve passed. Animal photographer Traer Scott, the author of Puppy Life, will lead the conversation. Books will be available to purchase at the event. Co-sponsored by The Friends of Roslindale Branch.
Thinking About Writing a Book?: The Publishing Landscape for Aspiring Authors
Thursday, February 16, 6:30-7:45 PM, Roslindale Branch, 4246 Washington St

Are you a first-time author with a book idea but needs help getting published? Few people who aren’t seasoned veterans of the traditional publishing process understand how a book goes from a little germ of an idea you think up in the shower to a real, live, hefty object sitting on the shelf. This workshop, led by literary agent Sarah Khalil of Kneerim and Williams, will take attendees through the lifecycle of a book and how literary agents fit into that process, including tips on how to find one. Co-sponsored by the Friends of Roslindale Branch.
Banned Book Club: All Boys Aren’t Blue
Thursday, February 23, 6:30 – 7:30 PM, Roslindale Branch, 4246 Washington St
We will discuss George M. Johnson’s All Boys Aren’t Blue, which has frequently been censored because it includes LGBTQIA+ content and profanity. The book is available for purchase from Rozzie Bound or borrowed from the library. RSVP:

No, Email Is Not Dead

Questions Image Credit: AllThingsDSocial media has drastically changed the way individuals and organizations communicate with each other.  However, most recent statistics show that not only emails for internal communications still alive, but it is also evolving.

According to a Harvard Business Review survey using 2,600 workers, email is still considered “the most effective collaborative tool.”  Only 22 percent of respondents would like to see email “adopt a more social construction, using self-selected ‘followers’ and ‘friends.’” Yes, it is true that most email is spam these days; however, half of the respondents use their email as an online file storage system, a manager’s accountability source, and a document courier.

Additionally, eight out of ten mobile users check and send emails with their devices.  Over half of workers use their mobiles to check upon waking up from sleep in the morning or immediately after getting dressed for work.  That’s dedication!

As far as external communications are concerned, having a social media strategy is a great plan to have, especially if you are looking to expand your organizational brand and attract more supporters.  President Barack Obama set up a new standard of using social media to reach the masses and get elected in 2008.  But for all the social media work the Obama for America campaign did in 2012, did you know that his campaign raised US$690 million from email marketing alone?

From Businessweek:

…The campaign would test multiple drafts and subject lines—often as many as 18 variations—before picking a winner to blast out to tens of millions of subscribers. “When we saw something that really moved the dial, we would adopt it,” says Toby Fallsgraff, the campaign’s e-mail director, who oversaw a staff of 20 writers… “The subject lines that worked best were things you might see in your inbox from other people.  ‘Hey’ was probably the best one we had over the duration.” …Another unexpected hit: profanity. Dropping in mild curse words such as “Hell yeah, I like Obamacare” got big clicks. But these triumphs were fleeting. There was no such thing as the perfect e-mail; every breakthrough had a shelf life… Fortunately for Obama and all political campaigns that will follow, the tests did yield one major counterintuitive insight: Most people have a nearly limitless capacity for e-mail and won’t unsubscribe no matter how many they’re sent. “In the end, we had 18 or 20 writers going at this stuff for as many hours a day as they could stay awake,” says Fallsgraff. “The data didn’t show any negative consequences to sending more.”…

So there you have it.  Of course, technology trends are always changing, and email could eventually become a digital casualty to whatever those new trends are.  Nonetheless, email is here to stay (for now).