Why any old job ain’t good enough

By Talia Whyte

The Grio

With the national unemployment rate in the double digits, those who are jobless are happy to get anything that cuts a paycheck. However, we should be demanding more than a paycheck from our employers.

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Buyers Beware of Black Friday

By Talia Whyte

The Grio

After stuffing ourselves during Thanksgiving dinner, some of us got up early (and in some cases, really early) to partake in another great American ritual – spending like crazy on Black Friday. Some retailers like Wal-Mart and K-Mart got ahead of the game and had their doors open on Turkey Day.

I will never understand the point of lining up in front of a store in the wee hours of the morning just to get $5 off a sweater I didn’t really need in the first place. Even if I wanted to be part of the Black Friday madness, I would be doing it at the risk of my life – literally.

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