About Talia Whyte

Posts by Talia Whyte:

On Tyler Perry and Black Excellence

If I can be upfront, I am not a fan of any of Tyler Perry’s TV shows or movies.  None of them make sense to me.  I think they also reinforce some really bad racial stereotypes about black people.

However, with that said, I respect Perry’s hustle!

A couple of weeks ago, he became the first black person to own a major film production studio.  That is a big deal!  It says a lot about his character that he named one of his soundstages after Spike Lee, who has vocally opposed Perry’s work for years.

Perry has already created a legacy that will outlive him.  He did that, and nobody can take that away from him!

The Great Canadian Adventure

For the first time in a very long time, I went on a week-long vacation to Canada (to plan my escape plan just in case Trump is re-elected next year... I'm kidding...not really...) I am so busy with some work sometimes that I forget that I need to breathe, let alone take some time off.

So I took a train trip on the Rocky Mountaineer, which is a Canadian luxury train.  We traveled from Vancouver to Banf, a town an hour outside Calgary.  The Rocky Mountains were so majestic to look at.  Everything I saw looked like a postcard.  I even saw a couple of bears!

Enjoy some photos I took from the train!

Fall 2019 Jazz and R&B Playlist!

Apparently, you all love hearing about my musical favors!  Here are the albums I am listening to on my iPod these days for autumn!

Sketches of Spain by Miles Davis

Live by Erykah Badu

Kind of Blue by Miles Davis

A Love Supreme by John Coltrane

The Best of Chaka Khan by Chaka Khan

Monk’s Dream by The Thelonious Monk Quartet

The Definitive Collection by Earth, Wind, and Fire

Ella and Louis by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

The Complete Ella Fitzgerald Song Books by Ella Fitzgerald
Ellington at Newport by Duke Ellington
The Best of Sade by Sade

Start Thinking About Your 2020 Website Redesign Now

The Web Design Process

Many businesses and organizations start to think about redesigning their websites now so they can have brand new sites for the new year.  Here are some things to think about before embarking on this endeavor:

  1. Do you really need to redesign your website?  Not everyone needs a redesign.  If you and your website users are happy with the look and functionality, then the website serves its purpose.
  2. What exactly is the problem with your current website? Are users complaining about site navigation?  Maybe the homepage is too busy, or the site has too many dark colors.  Now is a good time to do a content audit, document the problems and what you envision the solutions would look like.
  3. Can you afford to do a redesign? This is something you have to put a lot of thought into before embarking on a redesign. If you have to hire a web designer, depending on what your redesign requirements are, it can be very expensive if you don’t have a budget set aside already for website maintenance. Even if you redesign the website yourself, you might lose money because it takes away your time from what would otherwise be used to run your business.
  4. Are you re-branding your organization? If so, do you need a new logo or color scheme? Are you selling a new product or providing a new service? What is the new organizational messaging that you need to be reflected in a new website? An organizational website should accurately reflect what is going on in the company right now.
  5. Are you changing your content strategy? Will you integrate social media into your website? How about a blog or a video strategy? Do you want to put testimonials from satisfied customers or supporters on it? Who is going to create new content and how often?
  6. What is your competition doing? It is always a good idea to check in with your competition to see what they are doing and see how you can one-up them in doing something uniquely different.