Top Blog Post of 2015

blogpostThis year my blog was a mixed potpourri of news, politics, history revisits, entrepreneurship, design and book reviews.  I write this blog both for my own personal enjoyment and possibly to help provide new information or a different perspective on many of the issues happening in the world today.

If you missed any of them, here are the top 10 blog posts based on web traffic metrics, as well as some I thought deserve another read.

  1. Bandung, Identity and Media Perceptions
  2. Ota Benga, Race and Human Zoo
  3. The Pre-9/11 Hijacking Era Revisited
  4. 10 Lessons I Learned About Running A Business
  5. The Pros And Cons of Bootstrapping Your Business
  6. Why Going Car-less Is Really Better
  7. America the Flawed
  8. Time To Embrace Web Diversity
  9. Branding For The New On-Demand Economy
  10. How to Make Exercise Part of Your Daily Life

Thanks for enjoying my blog.  There will be more to come in 2016!