Why You Need To Do That Side Project Right Now

passion-projectEveryone has a side passion project, or at least aspires to have one.  Some people spend their evenings and weekends working on projects that test their creativity, learn new skills and experiment with their comfort levels.

Side projects are not usually money-making businesses, but they can turn into one if you really put the time and work into it.  That is how Global Wire Associates started 10 years ago, when it was just me blogging about communications and human rights.  I would have never thought that a blog would be a jumping off point for a new career as an entrepreneur.  In today’s changing economy, more people want (and need) their passion projects to turn into a paying job.

But most people don’t do passion projects for income.  I think it is a great idea that for everyone to have a side project because it helps to reveal your deeper desires and lets you focus on what is important to you.  Whether you had a bad day at your job, got into an argument with your significant other or just tired of all the crappy news about mass shootings, police brutality, ISIS and other awful things happening in the world, having a side project can be an outlet for relieving stress.

Most importantly, life is too precious and short to not to find time to do something you really love.  One day you will be older and regretting not doing something.

What is my passion project?  Well, actually, I have two projects.  I like collecting vintage posters, postcards and book covers and trying to recreate them in Photoshop or Illustrator, or creating a website complimentary to the art.  Sometimes I sell the posters and book covers for some good money!  It is work-related, but it is a great way to learn visual communication history, find inspiration and improve my designing skills.  I have also been working on a documentary for a while that I hope to finish one day…

So go out there and write that novel, knit that sweater, paint that portrait or start blog ging.  Summer is a great time to start doing something.

Stop with the excuses and indulge in your passion (project).