Why The STEM Economy Is Gaining STEAM

steamSTEM has a branding problem.

A couple of weeks ago I had my regular meeting with Cynthia and Keyshia, two students I am mentoring. In our latest gathering, I asked them if they had any thoughts on the role of the arts in STEM fields.  Both of them were confused at first and thought I was joking.  They didn’t realize that the arts played an important role in these traditionally technical fields.

I explained to them the roles a web designer and a web developer play in building a website.  I think a recent Ask GWA post really did a good job explaining this:

…To put it into a different context, let’s think of a car.  Web designers are in charge of how the car looks and feels, such as the color and design inside and outside, the shape and comfort of the car seats, the texture and use of the steering wheel and even the smell of the car.  Web developers deal with how the car functions, like making sure the engine works in relation to the steering wheel, brakes and the gas tank, fixing a bad muffler and even making sure the radio works…

The same can be said about the iPhone.  One of the reasons it is such a popular phone is not only because of its superior functionality, but also for its beautiful design.

I’m glad STEAM industries are getting more attention, especially in U.S. schools.  Below I found these two videos that talk about this growing movement.

Renowned graphic designer John Maeda discusses the role of the arts in technical industries.

Brent Bushnell and Eric Gradman, co-founders of the Two Bit Circus, talk about the STEAM Carnival.